Women’s Haven Africa set to host the Kumasi North Consultative Stakeholders Engagement on transforming the Local economy for job creation and economic development


Women’s Haven Africa in partnership with Ghana Tech Lab on the Pathway to Sustainable Employment — (PASE) Project presents a Consultative Stakeholders Engagement on the theme: The role of Digital Media in Transforming the local economy for Job Creation and Economic Development

The engagement will outline the skills gap, challenges, opportunities, strategies and collective policies for transforming the local economy to promote sustainable economic development

The outcome of the Consultative Stakeholders Engagment is to strenghten relationships and collaborations among stakeholders and to formulate policies through a policy document that would enhance the digital economy through digital media in Ghana and beyond.

The engagement will be held at Women’s Haven Africa, Abrepo — Kumasi on April 23, 2021 at 10:00am.



Women's Haven Africa

WHA is an innovative entrepreneurial female hub creating a friendly and productive environment for the growth and development of women led businesses in Ghana